You’ll ride TNR when you “get around to it?”
Used to do it, but outgrew it?
Not too into it, I intuit
A nitwit, but I get it
Not too stupid to see through it
You blew it, so you quit
Then you said “Screw it!”
You sit and you chew it
Brew it and stew it
That’s no way to get through it
Instead, don a new kit
Get back on the bike
Go out and pursue it
If the shoe fits, just do it
On trails truly fluid
At 298 Jewett
In Brownsville (you knew it)
And, you know you won’t rue it.
Then, stick around for a few brew with the crew, and enjoy the Grand View, too.
Mike Andersen will host a ride around Happy Canyon and Bible Hill on trails like Fenn Way and the like. Meet at 298 Jewett Rd., Brownsville at 5:45. We’ll divide into groups and go out on a no-drop ride at 6:00