Ascutney Trails Association and Sport Trails of the Ascutney Basin
Spring 2020 Membership Meeting
Ascutney State Park

June 13, 2020 12:00 noon
Please join us at the Ascutney State Park on Saturday June 13th at 12 noon for a joint Membership meeting of Ascutney Trails Association (ATA) and Sport Trails of the Ascutney Basin (STAB). Bring your own lunch if you like for a socially distanced picnic during the event. Our location at the park will be in the field north-west of the park entrance. You may park in the field or in the parking area across from the Park Entrance.
ATA and STAB will merge into one organization during this meeting. We will also be voting in a full slate of Board of Directors. Go to for updated information regarding the meeting.