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The Snow is Back

We’re stoked to finally see some good snow on the hill.

Check out ATA’s Event Calendar! It’s full of opportunities to get out and enjoy all the recent snow we’ve gotten and are going to get! Scroll down for a quick summary of hikes.

For all events and activities please remember to bring appropriate equipment and dress for the current conditions. Boots with micro spikes are not recommended based on the amount of snow that is currently on the ground, snowshoes are a better option. If you plan to hike/skin to earn your turns, please keep in mind a few basic trail etiquette rules to keep it enjoyable for all:

  • Please stay in the existing skin track as you make your way up the hill.

  • If you are hiking up, please wear snowshoes (to avoid post holing) and make your way up adjacent to the skin track.

  • Stick to the side of the trail and avoid traveling up the middle of the ungroomed and groomed trails, let's keep the corduroy laid by the groomingteam in Stick to the side of the trail and avoid traveling up the middle of the ungroomed and groomed trails, let's keep the corduroy laid by the Stick to the side of the trail and avoid traveling up the middle of the ungroomed and groomed trails, let's keep the corduroy laid by the grooming team in nice condition.

  • If you bring your furry friend, please scoop their poop. All pets must be leashed when in the vicinity of lift served slopes.

Saturday March 4th - Auto Road Hike

Full Moon Hike Up Mount Ascutney Auto Road Hosted by the Windsor Public Library

Saturday March 4, 2023, 4pm – 8pm Hot Cider at the summit!

Check out their events calendar for more details.

Bad weather/visibility backup date(s): Sunday, March 5th or Tuesday, March 7th, 4PM.

Please RSVP - Call The library at 802-674-2556 or email to let them know you’re coming.

Sunday March 5th - Brownsville Trail Snowshoe

This Sunday ATA will host a snowshoe summit Hike on the Brownsville Trail

Sunday Mar 5, 2023, 9AM - 1PM

Tuesday March 7th - Town Forest Full Moon Snowshoe/Ski

Join ATA for a Full Moon snowshoe/ski through the woods. Plan on a 1 mile 30 - 45 min hike/ski or 2 mile 60 - 90-minute hike/ski. BYO headlamp and trailside refreshments for scenic vista social time.

Tuesday Mar 7, 2023, 6:00 PM at the West Windsor Town Forest Lot - Group meets at 5:45 and leaves at 6PM.

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