Free-flying flakes were found floating
They amassed a vast, wondrous white coating
That left enough fluff
To ski through the stuff
Fostering forays of fun (and foreboding)
Powder’s a blast
But we know it can’t last
Soon compacting
We love to live a life of delusion
But, impermanence is a foregone conclusion
Though we dealt with the melt
Powder fondness is heartfelt
It’s our lifeblood — We need a transfusion!
There’s no snow!
So, where did it go?
We’ll look on the mountain,
In the forest.
We were sent with the intent
Of finding which way it went
The evidence should be right here before us
As is its fate, the snow changes state
From gas to ice crystals to, now, water
Though no longer snow, it still puts on a show
Hear its whisper, its mumbles waft laughter
From babbling to thunderous rumbles
Watch it glisten, bubble, tumble
It identifies as “Waterfall” from here on after
Witness the swiftness with which it plants kisses
On rocks, sticks and roots — there’s not one that it misses
Maliciously pernicious, it viciously carves ditches
Also filling pools for our delicious fishes
Fluffy crystals are nice, but best stick with the liquid
'Cause water’s what this is, regardless of our wishes
Jim Lyall 2/2023
Jim, thanks for making lemonade from our winter lemons! Alas our wishes will come will true if the weather get through, leaving more than a slight bit of white.