Good to go for Wednesday’s youth ride! Meet up at the Ascutney Outdoors trailhead, upper parking lot, at 4:30 for an hour and a half of rides. All riders must pre-register for this program! See program info below.
The ride will be immediately followed by the Ascutney Trails Association annual member meeting at 6 a couple miles away over at the State Park. For more info on the meeting check out this announcement: https://www.ascutneytrails.com/post/summer-member-meeting-this-wednesday-6-23 Last week we had a great turnout of youth riders and some new leaders as well. Thanks everybody! We also worked on some designs for skills parks and flow trails. Check ‘em out!
Program information:
This is a fun and supportive environment for youth to level up their skills. Grades PK - 12 are welcome, with group rides based on ability.
All participants under age 18 must have a parent or guardian onsite to ride and bikes must be in safe working condition.
Meet at the Ascutney Outdoors lower parking lot on Ski Tow Road in Brownsville.
Rides run 4:30 to 6-ish.
Pre-Registration required. Sign up at https://forms.gle/pde8vjscGVmdGcJS6.
This program is free for Ascutney Trails Association members, and if you haven’t yet joined for 2021, we encourage you to do so at
https://www.ascutneytrails.com/membership before your second ride.
Questions? Need a bike? Have an extra to pass on? Reach out to youth@ascutneytrails.com if your family is in need of a membership fee, bike, or other assistance or accommodation to participate in youth programming. We are committed to getting everybody who is interested on a bike this season!