Mike Andersen has this suggestion for TNR:
It's the month full of ghouls
A month full of ghosts
But we'll be safe in the Canyon with Mike as our host
Bike lights will look nifty
Riding trails from the fifty
Plus a new trail in town
Though it's yet to be found
Thus far only ridden by Magnus and hound.
Fennway and Duncan and Cliff are quite fun
And certainly no one would label them “lame”
But for those who want more
We'll have something in store
We’ll race down the infamous trail — Hall of Fame.
When we're done with the tricks
We're not done with the treats
We'll then hang by a fire and have something to eat
So bring bike, lights and swill
Even something to grill
And we'll break up the week with a Tuesday Night thrill
So, let's meet at Mike's: 298 Jewett Rd., West Windsor at 5:45. After grouping by ability/intensity of effort, we'll head out by 6:00
Also: For those who can make it - a ride will go out at 5:00, too - for those who want to ride the H of F and the full Magnum, or just like more daylight riding and want to do an extra loop before the rest arrive.