Ascutney Trails will be closed to mountain bikes the mornings of Thursday, September 24th and Saturday, October 3rd for the hosting of two equestrian rides on the mountain. With many horses of varying sensitivity, we felt it safest, for all, to eliminate the chance of surprise encounters with potential for disastrous results. The ride will span the trail network heading out and returning, so trails will be closed to MTB traffic until 12:30PM both days. If you planned on heading out those mornings, please consider a spin at Swoops and Loops at 1826 Back mountain Road in Windsor, then hitting the main trails after lunch. Meanwhile, ignore these route markers, unless you are part of the equestrian ride.
I'll take this opportunity to remind all bikers that if you come upon a horse and rider on any trail or back road, the proper response is to:
CALL OUT, (like, "Hello, there!") so that the rider is aware of your presence, and, importantly, the horse senses that you are human, and not some strange, vicious, wheeled monster about to attack.
PROCEED SLOWLY when the rider is ready.